Sunday, April 29, 2007

I had to move my site. For the longest, this wouldn't let me post anything. After I got a new site going, it let me back into this one. Go figure.
Tomorrow is the dreaded PACT inservice. We give up yet another planning period to do it. Progress Reports go out Tuesday and you gotta know there are about 2 million pieces of paper to add to the envelope.
As one of our old principals used to say, "Gripe, gripe, gripe, b*tch, b*tch, b*itch. Just another day in Paradise. I am glad to be retiring...again. ha
I will ramble around a bit and go to bed. Enjoy your week.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Yesterday's picture turned out to be the one of my Granddaughter Isabella at her fourth birthday party and her Uncle (#2 son) riding her Barbie mobile she got from her aunt and uncle for her birthday. See, he is always up to something.
Today's picture is of my three grandchildren and their two first cousins. The cousins are sitting down. This was made at the beach last year.
I did the parathyroid test today. It was very uncomfortable. They didn't do a thyroid test? Who knows.
I didn't work, and it is a good thing I didn't. I was worn out by the time I finished just after 12:30.
Not much happening today, so I will stop for now.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I think I have figured out how to add pictures....maybe.

The Italian lunch was good and fun today. There were 8 of us. The kids played outside after lunch. #2 son, always the clown, cracked us up with his antics throwing the ball at the kids. they played "Monkey in the Middle" from what I could figure it is much like Dodge ball. The kids would fall on the ground laughing when he had the ball because he did so many funny things. He would "wind up his Key on his behind" before he threw the ball, throw it backwards, and all sorts of funny silly things to make them laugh. He left to play kick ball and his girlfriend had to work today, so that didn't last too long. Then #1 son and his family left about 30 minutes later, leaving me and Cody here. I cleared the kitchen, let the dog go outside, and took a nap.

Rob came by and picked up the dog about an hour or so ago. His son is responding to the meds., so he came on back here and plans to work tomorrow.

I have the thyroid test in the morning and parathyroid right after that. I have been taking the meds and stuff. So I am hoping this test shows up something for me. There has to be some reason that my electrolytes have dropped to nearly nothing.

I am going to try the picture thing. I will post Grandma's Trio of Energy.
No, it wouldn't post. Maybe the other one will.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

It is Saturday late afternoon. Not much going on. I am cooking a Stouffer's lasgne for the family for tomorrow. I decided to have an Italian Day. Nothing like Grandma's cooking.....I do plan to make homemade spaghetti in the AM and a strawberry dessert.
Tonight I am dogsitting with my friend, Rob's, dog. He had to go to Appalachian to check on his son. He had developed a case of staph infection from a small place on his upper thigh or hip. Not sure which.Anyway, I have the dog tonight and until he returns.
I bet that dog has done more running today than he has in years. I have a huge fenced back yard and have taken him out two or three times this afternoon. Cody has chased birds and squirrels all over the yard. This is the third time this month I have dog sat. I kept my son and his special girl's dogs earlier this month. It was when my sis was here. Maybe I should call my place "Grandma's Pooches" and get a license. ha
Anyway. he is doing great.
I know some of my friends from the other blog are still reading over there, so I have been just copying the post here, and pasting it there in protected.
Soon I will begin posting poetry, and if I can figure out how to do pictures, I will continue that tradition of my other place. BTW, for those from the other blog, you must read RC's comment. She is so bad.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Now U Know

This is a public post. Nothing you or your kids can't read. Ha

I got up about the usual time, though I wasn't working due to some doctor's instructions about staying off my feet. (Yeah, right. I am to stay off my feet? lol)
I have changed my blogspot, and sort of cleaned up my appearance.
Anyway, Son2 and I had breakfast before he started his day's work. I always enjoy that kind of experience. We have always been on fairly good terms, so it works for us. He is starting a new job with another company here in town.
Now I am back home with my feet definitely not holding me up. The dr.'s nurse called awhile ago and changed my nuclear medicine test until Monday morning. That means I miss another day of work. I am getting a bit antsy about missing so many days, but then I remember that they can find someone to replace me.
Thanks to my "oldie goldie" buddies for answering the survey. I gave you my new address; so find me, Cookies. I had a request to open another poetry site, but no, I don't think so. I plan to retire and enjoy being, well, me. this will be a very public place for me to post, so Welcome anyone new who comes to visit. I hope you comment when you drop by. Just a "hello" will suffice if you don't want to really comment.
I have an errand to run, I think I will visit my Dad--you gurus who know me from before and stuff--know my Dad is 90 and in a retirement center, and yes, I still visit him two or three times a week. That way they don't get too careless with his attention. Occasionally, not too often, I have to remind them about something. Knowing him though, he probably refused to let them do something for him. A couple of weeks ago, he made them stop cutting his toenails. Now he has one foot with short nails and another with long nails. hummmmm, Maybe he can plow a garden with the long toenails. Gotta think about that.
Also, remember this is just a front for me to talk about my grandchildren. You will hear more about them. soon, often, and more than you probably want to know.
I gotta figure out and remember how to post photos.
Then I gotta remember who to send this post to.
I will update my info later today or tomorrow.
Or maybe next July.