Saturday, April 21, 2007

It is Saturday late afternoon. Not much going on. I am cooking a Stouffer's lasgne for the family for tomorrow. I decided to have an Italian Day. Nothing like Grandma's cooking.....I do plan to make homemade spaghetti in the AM and a strawberry dessert.
Tonight I am dogsitting with my friend, Rob's, dog. He had to go to Appalachian to check on his son. He had developed a case of staph infection from a small place on his upper thigh or hip. Not sure which.Anyway, I have the dog tonight and until he returns.
I bet that dog has done more running today than he has in years. I have a huge fenced back yard and have taken him out two or three times this afternoon. Cody has chased birds and squirrels all over the yard. This is the third time this month I have dog sat. I kept my son and his special girl's dogs earlier this month. It was when my sis was here. Maybe I should call my place "Grandma's Pooches" and get a license. ha
Anyway. he is doing great.
I know some of my friends from the other blog are still reading over there, so I have been just copying the post here, and pasting it there in protected.
Soon I will begin posting poetry, and if I can figure out how to do pictures, I will continue that tradition of my other place. BTW, for those from the other blog, you must read RC's comment. She is so bad.

1 comment:

Name: Vicki said...

Sounds like a lot of "doggie-doings" going on at your place!Hope you can figure out the picture thing. Afraid I'm not very good at telling people how to do things on the computer! Tell your sons, daughters-in=law and grandbabies I said hi.